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The Awakening Of The Muses
Original title: El despertar de las musas
Beatriz Luengo

The Awakening Of The Muses

Original title: El despertar de las musas

Beatriz Luengo


A vindictive tribute to 12 inspiring muses that were not recognized at their time.

Did you know that Mozart himself recognized that he would never have the musical talent of his sister, Nannerl? Or that half of Einstein’s theories were developed by Mileva Maric, his first wife whom almost nobody remembers?

In The Awakening of the Muses, Beatriz Luengo discovers the most intimate part of 12 creative muses that were not recognized at their time. An admirable literary mosaic that combines history, fiction, poetry and personal reflection, and vindicates the need to understand the feminist struggle as it really is: a movement for human rights.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 288 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-21553-0 | Imprint: Destino